Successful Business Coach Optimizes Messaging and Rebrands After Outgrowing Her Brand

Successful Business Coach Optimizes Messaging and Rebrands After Outgrowing Her Brand

Oh Yes team leads with “messaging first, always” strategy to help Florida-based CEO and coach, Kelsea Koenreich, define a message and brand that compliments – instead of competes – with her business.


Elevating your business is a milestone most entrepreneurs and businesses strive for – whether it’s hitting revenue goals, refining your offers and pricing, growing your team and even embracing a new sense of leadership can happen all at once, quickly.

For Kelsea Koenreich, this couldn’t be more true.

Kelsea Koenreich is a Florida-based strategic business coach who teaches mom founders and entrepreneurs how to lead to create change through deep thought-partnership and business strategy to help her clients uncover what’s possible in their business and life.

While her business and she as a CEO flourished, Kelsea found herself amidst a battle against the one thing that couldn’t keep up with these shifts – her messaging and branding.

02. The Problem/Challenge

When it came to coaching her clients, Kelsea was on fire.

“A business where you can feel the genuine care is always going to be a place I love.”

She could light a match of empowerment under a struggling mom entrepreneur trying to juggle running a business while wrangling their kids with a flick of her wrist. Her ability to help a fully booked business owner go from scatterbrained to “show them who’s boss” is pure magic.

After 11 years as an entrepreneur, though, Kelsea’s business and client-base had evolved and she was feeling the tell-tale signs of a brand and messaging that no-longer served her marketing efforts.

With a straight-shooting, yet highly empathetic and vulnerable online persona, the “fire engine” red and black color palette paired with dominant “hero” pose photography was competing with Kelsea instead of complimenting her online.

Along with this pull to shift, Kelsea was fully aware that her outbound messaging had to change if she wanted to reach the 6-7 figure mom CEOs she was primed to serve. She had gotten so close to her business that she realized she was too deep in the every day of her messaging and branding and needed an outsider’s objective view.

Just like she encourages her clients to invest in professional support for business growth, Kelsea decided to take time to practice what she preaches by doing the same for her messaging and branding.

With the unwavering belief that messaging MUST come first (and a touch of client-obsessed work ethic), Oh Yes Communications was the perfect fit for her goals. Furthermore, Oh Yes CEO, Kathy Dixon, is a coaching client of hers and was perfectly suited to highlight the experience of her client while drawing out the key messaging that attracted CEOs like her to Kelsea’s brand.

03. The process

Clarity in Your Message

Much like all of her business endeavors, Kelsea came to Oh Yes ready and eager to make the changes she needed to see results. Together, we worked to bring her brand up to speed through implementing Oh Yes’ proven branding strategies including:

To kick off the transformation, Kelsea and the Oh Yes Communications team spent a full-day in our “Clarity in Your Message” workshop. During this 4-session workshop, we dug into the core of the business, clarifying:

  • The business’s values to instill internal and external clarity
  • The WHY statement to create consistent brand recognition
  • The story arc to market to her ideal clients, and  
  • The marketing strategy to move forward in confidence

Through this, we uncovered the unique parts of Kelsea’s business that truly made her stand out as a leader in her industry. It became clear that her brand message revolved around her relentless approach to reinforcing the power of choice and growing a business that supports her clients’ goals instead of a client that supports the business. With boundaries, complete clarity and Kelsea’s proven strategy, her clients embody a work-life harmony that leads to a life of peace.

With the messaging down, it was time to tackle her rebrand. Through the CEOs 11-year journey, Kelsea had outgrown her flashy and dominant brand, no longer feeling like it represented her business or clients accurately.

What mattered most to Kelsea was being able to truly speak to her clients’ hearts – women who are destined for greatness.

We began with a mood board that casted the vision for her rebrand. Once approved, the Oh Yes team developed a multi-page visual identity presentation that showed her new logo, sub marks, color palette, typography, patterns, photography direction and sample collateral. 

This process allows the client to see their brand “come to life”.

Last but not least, in an effort to show our clients how their brand guide and messaging playbook can transform their current marketing, our team drafted new homepage copy for Kelsea’s website with photography and creative direction for her internal team to implement right away.

“Kathy is a messaging genius and has a way of pulling things out of you and your brand that when expressed can truly change your business, and the world.”

Now, on the other side of a “Clarity in Your Message” workshop and rebrand with Oh Yes Communications, Kelsea has walked away with an upgraded brand – along with an upgraded sense of confidence and clarity.

With immediate deliverables provided by the Oh Yes team, Kelsea was able to launch and start implementing her new branding into her marketing initiatives without missing a beat. Here’s what Oh Yes crafted for Kelsea’s transformation:

  • Rebrand/Brand Guide
  • Messaging Playbook
  • Website Copy
  • Template/Collateral Refresh
  • Marketing Strategy

Blends of cool blues, natural grays and clay accents were incorporated to highlight Kelsea’s tactical, yet guiding coaching styles. A bold, capitalized font gives power and strength to her messaging in a visual way and truly compliments one of her core values of, “We call you out so we can call you up”.

Having a brand message that compliments instead of competing with her has given Kelsea a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Most importantly for the impact-driven CEOs we partner with, it is allowing Kelsea and her team to truly capture her dream clients’ hearts in a way that FEELS aligned.

04. The outcome